United Kingdom
Jackie MacRae
Nothing dies..
06.06.11 22.06.11
During her residency at ´ace Jackie carried out the project Nothing dies, everything is transformed in which she produced a series of pinhole photographs evoking a sense of beauty, mortality and metamorphosis.
To date, my work focuses on creating a sense of place, exploring the realms of drawing that run in parallel with the collaboration of the pinhole camera, delving into its full potential through the use of layers of prints.
Through the juxtaposition of my visual language and the elements of natural charm, I create microcosm; pinhole photographs in another nostalgic world. These images stimulate reflection on a place to recognize and evoke a sense of metamorphosis, fragility and refuge.
This ignites overwhelming mortality; delicate details of our daily landscape are thus transformed. This transformation allows a reconciliation of the various contradictory aspects of existence, such as: the open air with the night indoors, and the day, magic and reality, in black and white, and even life and death.
Jackie MacRae
1988 | United Kingdom
Lives in Essex, England
2013 | Master of Art and Design, Loughborough University, UK
2010 | BA in Multi Media Textile Art, Loughborough University, UK
She is in the process of completing a Master in Art and Design at Loughborough University, while working as an Artist in Residence at St. George’s College in Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Jackie’s work has already been exhibited at Visionaire 2010 Brick Lane, London, in Loughborough and Essex
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Group exhibition ´ace Collection
23.02.15 30.04.15
Territories is an exhibition curated by Adriana Moracci among artworks from the ‘ace collection. The aims of this selection is to allow us to reflect upon political, economic, linguistic and corporal territories. They have been interpreted by contemporary artists through photography, performance and printmaking.
ABOUT TERRITORIES (by Adriana Moracci
Territory is a defined, outlined and demarcated place that provides belonging and identity to whom occupy it. In some cases it is a place to access or emigrate. The territory notion goes beyond a determined border. Although the etymology of the word indicates land or field not every community has its own physical territory, but yes, all have their own idiosyncrasy, language and culture that unites and links. The body is also a territory, one that is always present and constantly changing. A territory that contains and links us with the other, through verbal and corporal language. A territory that enables encounter with the ancestral and the primary.
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