Aniela Troglia
OPEN Buenos Aires 2023
16.06.23 20.06.23
Aniela Troglia is an artist from Rosario (Santa Fe), Argentina. She obtained a degree in Fine Arts from the Faculty of Humanities and Arts of the U.N.R., and was also trained in Photography, Audiovisual Production, 2D Animation and Art Direction. She has also participated in the PALAXXI Program for artists, organized by the Lava Gallery (Rafaela, 2021), has taken part in several group exhibitions and has also organized solo exhibitions of her work.
As an artist, she wishes to problematize the notions surrounding money, mercantile value, property, work and consumption, investigating different procedures that tend towards the concordance between discourse and aesthetic result. She is interested in paper money, digital resources, textile possibilities, the materiality of paper, installation, graphic and photographic techniques, as well as collaborative work and disciplinary limits, with which he has fun playing with the ambiguity of languages and disciplines.
In her own words: “I prefer to produce starting from what is already there and that has certain precarious or discarded characteristics, and then -by means of certain procedures, and in the sum of the same elements-, to obtain a result of greater preponderance. Likewise, I consider the use of already discarded resources as the appropriate place for the resignification and decontextualization of such components. There is something in turn in the obsessive repetition of the same element and its ornamental arrangement, which attracts me without being able to avoid it”.
Aniela Troglia
1990 | Rosario, Argentina
Lives and works in Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina
2022 | Bachelor of Fine Arts, Faculty of Humanities and Arts of the U.N.R., Rosario, Argentina
2022 | Desposeídes fase segunda. Espacio Cultural Universitario, Rosario, Argentina
2022 | Una cierta distancia, una cierta indiferencia amable a su consagración. Museo Histórico Municipal, Rafaela, Argentina
2019 | Sin dominio de aquí mismo. Espacio Mal de Archivo, Rosario, Argentina
2019 | Atmósfera. Espacio REQ, Rosario, Argentina
2017 | Disonancias. Centro de Apertura CAMP, Rosario, Argentina
2023 | Nueve semanas en Alem program. Alem Park Cultural Center, Rosario, Argentina
2023 | Selva fair. 220 Contemporary Culture, Córdoba, Argentina
2021 | Garage Sale by Tsunami Auctions. 4QAR: Suspended Time Rosario, Argentina
2019 | Intervened space of the Emergentes CEC program. Center for Contemporary Expressions, Rosario, Argentina
2015 | Youth and Ephemeral program. Centro Cultural Parque de España, Rosario, Argentina

Related Activities
Encounters, International Projects, Workshops, Exhibitions, Fellowships
OPEN 2023 | Activities
Workshops, talks and demos
17.06.23 20.06.23
From June 17th to June 20th, 2023, the OPEN Buenos Aires: International Encounter of Emerging Printmakers was held at the Casa de la Cultura–Edificio La Prensa in the City of Buenos Aires. Throughout its 4 days open to the public, the selected artists shared with the public not only their works in traditional and contemporary graphic techniques, but also offered workshops, demos, participatory practices and talks, all free and open to the public.
OPEN Buenos Aires is an event of professionalization for emerging artists and dissemination of graphic practices for the local public, whether specialized or without previous knowledge in the field of printmaking in particular or contemporary art in general. As part of the application that each artist submitted, it was the artists themselves who proposed different instances of exchange with visitors to the event, bringing them closer to their techniques, their projects, their portfolios and their working methods.
The activities that visitors to the event were able to enjoy were:
- Guided tour by David Arteagoitia (director of Open Portfolio FIGBilbao)
- Guided tour by Luciano Pozo (OPEN 2023 artist)
- Activation: DESPOSEÍDES (by Aniela Troglia, OPEN 2023 artist)
- Print Jam in two stations:
STATION 1 PRINTING MATTERS: words and actions that empower (by Mariana Gayoso, OPEN 2022 artist)
STATION 2 THE MAGIC OF XYLOGRAPHY: creative workshop by Laura Pires and Hernán Borches (OPEN 2023 artists) - Guided tour by Inés Gaggero (artist OPEN 2023)
- Activation: FRAGMENTED NARRATIVES: AI in art (by Zerré, OPEN 2023 artist)
- Professional workshop: EXPLORING NEW HORIZONS: Innovation in contemporary graphics with plastic materials and bi-component resins (by David Arteagoitia, Director of Open Portfolio FIGBilbao) sponsored by CCEBA-Embassy of Spain
- Workshop: GYOTAKU 3D: dimensional traces (by OPEN 2023 artists Santiago Crespo and Candela del Valle)
- Activation: TEMPORARY ARCHIVES (by Amelia Herrero OPEN 2023 artist)
- Workshop: Florisgraphic printing (by Luciano Pozo, OPEN 2023 artist)
- Visual poetry workshop: ESTROFAS GRÁFICAS (by OPEN 2023 artists Gabriela Esterovich and Inés Díaz Saubidet)
- Workshop: BETWEEN LIGHT AND NATURE: demo of cyanotype and chlorotype (by Clara Nerone and Rapainú, OPEN 2023 artists)
- Workshop: KITCHEN-LITHO: alchemy in the kitchen (by Inés Gaggero, OPEN 2023 artist)
- Workshop: VISUAL EXPRESSION AND ARTIVISM (by Darío Marroche and Pablo Pérez Torres, OPEN 2023 artists)
- Workshop: MINIMUM MINIMORUM: the greatness of the small (by Pablo Damseaux Tabárez OPEN 2023 artist)

Encounters, International Projects, Fellowships
OPEN 2023 | Awards
Awards ceremony
20.06.23 20.06.23
From June 17-20, 2023, the OPEN Buenos Aires: International Encounter of Emerging Printmakers was held at the Casa de la Cultura–Edificio La Prensa in the City of Buenos Aires. Throughout its 4 days of opening to the public, the selected artists shared their works in traditional and contemporary print media techniques with the visitors, celebrated the opening of the exhibition, offered workshops, demos and open talks and, on the last day, 9 of the 16 artists received the prizes awarded by the event’s organizers.
In addition to the 16 participation grants awarded to the finalist artists, after all the activities of OPEN Buenos Aires were completed, the following prizes were distributed:
- 4 FIG Bilbao Awards: four artists with a stand each at the Fig Bilbao Fair November 2023 + accommodation in Bilbao (awarded to Candela Del Valle, Gabriela Esterovich, Clara Nerone and Luciano Pozo)
- 2 grants for artistic residencies at CIEC Foundation in Betanzos, Spain in 2024 (awarded to Hernán Borches and Darío Marroche)
- 1 residency grant at the BDC-Basque bioDesign Center in Bilbao, Spain (awarded to Santiago Crespo)
- 1 artist-in-residence grant at La Rural, Tucumán, Argentina (awarded to Rapainú)
- 1 artist-in-residence grant at Proyecto´ace, Buenos Aires, Argentina (awarded to Zerré)
The prizes were awarded by the Awards Jury, formed by David Arteagoitia (Bilbao, Basque Country, Director of FIG Open Portfolio), Pedro Galilea (Salamanca, Spain, Vice President and Director of Fundación CIEC), Iñaki Alonso (Bilbao, Basque Country, President of FIG Bilbao), and Alicia Candiani (Buenos Aires, Argentina, Director of OPEN Buenos Aires and Fundación´ace) based on the quality of the works presented and the activities for the public proposed and carried out by the artists themselves.

International Projects, Workshops, Portfolio Review, Open Calls
OPEN 2023 | Critiques
Portfolio Reviews
20.06.23 20.06.23
Between June 17 and 20, 2023, the OPEN Buenos Aires: International Meeting of Emerging Graphic Arts was held at the Casa de la Cultura–Edificio La Prensa in the City of Buenos Aires. OPEN Buenos Aires is a professionalization event for emerging artists and dissemination of print media practices for the local public, whether specialized or without previous knowledge in the field of printmaking in particular or contemporary art in general. As part of the professionalization of the artists, on Sunday, June 18, a review of portfolios was carried out by a team specialized in traditional and contemporary print media, engraving and graphic and printed visual arts.
The review of portfolios was in charge of:
- Pedro Galilea, Director of Fundación CIEC–Centro Internacional de la Estampa Contemporánea, Galicia, Spain
- Esteban Álvarez, artist and professor at UNA–Universidad Nacional de la Artes, CABA, Argentina
- Adriana Moracci, artist and masterprinter, director of Taller AM, CABA, Argentina
- Micaela Trocello, artist, coordinator of the International Biennial of Engraving and Small Format Printed Art BIGAI and professor UNC–Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina
- Alicia Valente, curator of the National Museum of Engraving and Professor at the University of La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Throughout 3 hours, they offered portfolio reviews, feedback, work criticism, and professional guidance to both OPEN artists and independent artists who had previously signed up to participate in this free activity.

International Projects, Exhibitions
OPEN Buenos Aires 2023 | Exhibition
Artists in Dialogue
17.06.23 20.06.23
El OPEN Buenos Aires 2023, 2da edición incluyó entre sus múltiples actividades la exhibición de obras gráficas, arte impreso e instalaciones que trabajen con medios impresos por parte de 12 artistas de Argentina y 4 de uruguay. Este evento celebró las múltiples posibilidades expresivas del arte gráfico, reuniendo trabajos que exploran tanto técnicas tradicionales como enfoques contemporáneos y experimentales, destacando la variedad de materiales visuales y su riqueza conceptual.
La muestra reúne a artistas emergentes que juegan con los límites del grabado y la gráfica, ofreciendo al público la oportunidad de sumergirse en un panorama amplio. Durante los días de apertura al público, el OPEN Buenos Aires no solo promovió la visibilidad de estas prácticas, sino que se consolidó un puente entre creadores y audiencias, fortaleciendo el valor de la gráfica en el ámbito cultural argentino.