Exhibitions, Site Specific
Performance S.A. Estampas
S.A. Estampas
S.A. Oficina de Estampas (“Print Office Inc.”) is a group of two artists working collaboratively. They will deliverer a performance in ´ace nite on June 1st.
S. A. Oficina de Estampas is a kind of the artists’ performatic alter ego by which they become state employees, making a highly ironic and critical deconstruction of the value of “seal” as legitimating of actions and documents. At the same time they make a statement about print as a medium of democratizing images as well as the discipline of printmaking itself, the principles that legitimize art and a reflection of the blurring boundaries between the original and the counterpart.
S.A.Oficina de Estampas is a office that sales prints where, through a process, visitors can pick a print that is made with rubber stamps. Previously the rubber stamp were produced from donated drawings made by the artists invited to participate of the project.
Seals refer to the law, give value and authenticity to a document, any official paper has an aggregate value when a printed mark has been stamped. At the same time, the seal allows the reproduction of the image.
S. A. Oficina de Estampas’ performative action is built parodying the Argentine governmental processes, its bureaucracy and excessive waiting times as well as the relationships developped between employees and citizens. The project is a work on progress, mutating and changing according with the space, time and guest artists.
In 2009 Sofia Larroca and Ana Wahren Brie founded SA prints office.
Since its founding to the present SA has taken various actions within the art circuit of Buenos Aires city.
SA office has no fixed place and its measures are variable. For now, their settlements were mounted within the art circuit areas of Buenos Aires, as in C.C. Rojas, within Lipac at the end of 2010, the college fair in DC Uniarte Borges, Elclú space within the courtyard of the Liceo Gallery and in 2009 was part of the leak graphics made in the Gutenberg Foundation.
Proposals for invited artists were in the ownership of SA in a first call. Some artists were called arbitrarily (Beto De Volder, Gabriel Baggio, Ana Monteccuco, Clara Díaz, Mónica Millán, Mercedes Fidanza, Leandro Iniesta, Sofia Larroca, Wahren Ana Brie). Then it was opened the First Call SA, open to the general public and with no closing date. The artists selected for the first closing date were: Martin Lanezán, Delfina Estrada, Florence Zúñiga, Diego Ontiveros, Vera Chapman.
SA prints office also has received support from various grants as EcuNHi.FNA-2011, Lipac-CCRojas-UBA-2010, Grant IUNA to carry exhibits with SA held in graphic-2009 Fuga.