Male Correa
Somos Asomo
09.05.22 03.06.22
What am I going to paint? I asked myself the day my teacher decided I didn’t need it anymore, the same day I decided to give it all up and become an artist by trade, full time. The answer was simple: What I know! Since I was very young I studied and visited the old Guayaquil neighborhood, in the center of the city. In my first solo exhibition, a lady asked why I painted drunks and cantinas? I couldn´t answer at the time. I am the daughter of an ex-alcoholic father whom I met when I was 23 years old. It was no longer time to be father and daughter, but we became great friends.
In our long conversations with him I discovered that in his youth, he inhabited the neighborhood, lost himself in its nights and drank it all in. I understood that an unconscious force led me to the places that would tell me about him. After his death I made a series of self-referential works that allude to a universal theme: the father´s quest. I am also a unique but repeated human being; what makes me different and at the same time unique is having a sister like me. I have always lived a dual life for that with my most recent artwork I want to experience who I am in a singular way. If I wanted to sum up my work in one concept, it would be “IDENTITY”.
At the beginning I painted without conscious awareness, but now I understand that in the bars of downtown I was looking for my father; that father´s quest is the looking for myself and all my work had helped me to find answers to three fundamental questions: Who am I, where do I come from? And where do I belong? – Male Correa –
During her second residency at ‘ace Male Correa gave herself to her personal process by opening questions about herself, this process in its origins: her mother’s womb. As a consequence, a scenario was presented for the reunion with the companion of that moment and unique space, her twin sister. Malena masters several pictorial techniques to perfection in this residence she experimented with Photolithography without water.
Male Correa is a graphic designer, visual artist and writer. Her artistic practice revolves around the theme of identity and is expressed in various techniques, such as engraving, drawing and painting. She has been a university professor for more than ten years. Since 2002 she has attended the printmaking workshop La Estampa. She currently co-edits the literary magazine P&P+arte. In 2018 she received the national visual arts award in drawing from the Universidad de Antioquia.
Male Correa
1967 | Bogotá, Colombia
Lives and works in Medellín, Colombia.
2022 | Somos asomos, La Balsa Gallery, Colombia.
2019 | Print Matters, The Americas, our history, USA.
2003 | Cobijos, University Museum, University of Antioquia, Colombia.
2004 | Art Basel, Dot Fiftyone Gallery, USA.
2022 | ´acePirar, Proyecto ‘ace, Argentina
2020 | Together apart, Proyecto ‘ace, Argentina.
2017 | Children’s Town, Museum of Modern Art of Medellín, Colombia.
2016 | Cube X, Casa Tres Patios Gallery, Medellín, Colombia.
2016 | Outstanding Plastic Artist, San Lorenzo de Aná Award, Colombia.
2009 | Iconographic Talent Award, Pontificia Bolivariana University, Colombia.

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Somos Asomo
Male Correa
01.06.22 11.06.22
Somos Asomo by Male Correa is the result of four weeks Exploration Residency among the ´acePIRAR Artist-in-Residence International Program.
Somos Asomo by Luis Fernando Macías…
¨(…) Once she had mastered the pictorial techniques, Male Correa decided to investigate about herself. Then when her twin appears in her paintings, the companion of life from the mother’s uterus. This forced her to wonder about the continuity of being in the other: the palindrome, the monotype, the shadow, the mirror that follows the reflex and inverse image… the image of water that blurs, dilutes, fuses the face with the stamp. Using unusual techniques such as honey or powdered graphite, which at the same time are experimentation and astonishment for the uncertainty and randomness of their results, or studying new possibilities within the techniques of engraving. She has been finding the image of water that we are, the reflection whose true face we ignore, but that goes into the reverse as the magic of the outward journey that is the way back: ¨all our trips are return trips,¨ said Gaspar, the wanderer; ¨we are a glimpse,¨ says Male. And this is the judgment of the identity that vanishes, the word that continues in the mirror that we no longer know if it moves away or goes deep inside us.