Kadija de Paula
10.05.12 25.05.12
Kadija de Paula is a visual artist and cultural manager with more than nine years of experience working with artists and cultural organizations in Canada, USA, Brazil, Colombia and Chile. She has worked with: Gallery 44 Center for Contemporary Photography, The Art Gallery of Ontario and the Ontario Arts Council in Toronto; the São Paulo Cultural Center in Brazil; and the Walker International Communications Group in New York. Since 2011 Manager and Mediator residencias_en_red [iberoamerica].
Her Master in Cultural Management focused on the investigation of cultural policies as means of international relations in Latin America. Passionate about culture as a tool for innovation and social change, she has a strong interest in building communities that work collaboratively.
residencias_en_red [Ibero-America] is an Ibero-American platform of research, production and art exhibition spaces for contemporary art and culture, which are linked mainly through their residency programs. The network brings together various formats of residencies and values that diversity. It is made up of private projects and mixed public-private initiatives with diverse administrative and legal structures.
The network was created in 2008 through a desire for Latin American integration and an affective desire for relationship and joint work among its members in order to achieve representativeness and dialogue in the micro and macro level of international cultural policy.
In its three years of existence residencias_en_red [Iberoamérica] has already carried out more than 60 exchange projects, 16 management residencies, 39 artistic residencies, two critical and curatorial residencies, three publications and two face-to-face meetings with representatives of its 27 members.
ABOUT THE RESIDENCE (by Alicia Candiani)
During his two-week micro residency with the Residency Program in Buenos Aires, Kadija de Paula, resident of management and mediation of residencias_en_red [Iberoamérica] had the opportunity to meet with representatives of ‘ace, Centro rural de arte, Kiosko and Oficina # 1, four member spaces of the network, in addition to meeting with other artistic institutions and groups in Buenos Aires and La Plata, including: Ala Plástica, URRA Residences, León Ferrari Foundation, Gallery and Residence AC Meridión, CCEBA, Basurama, CHELA, Fundación PROA, La Fabriquera, La Grieta, Residencia Corazón and A77.
On May 20, within the framework of arteBA, Kadija spoke about his experience in the residency of management and mediation of residencias_en_red [Iberoamérica] and of the experimental management model proposed by the network in a talk about artistic residencies in the context of art Latin American contemporary.
Paula’s Kadija
Bachelor of Plastic Arts, College of Arts and Design. Toronto Canada.
Master in Cultural Management, Schulich School of Business. York University. Toronto Canada.
Tres Patios House and Workshop 7. Medellín, Colombia.
Residential on Earth. Armenia.
Place to Doubts, Cali and Laagencia, Bogotá.
2012 | Management residence. CRACK. Valparaíso, Chile.

Related Activities
´aceNITE, Exhibitions
In Network
On Wednesday the 23rd of May at 7.00 pm ´ace will celebrate the first aceNITE of the year. A lot of interesting activities will take place, and the audience will have the opportunity to take a look at the works produced by the artists-in-residence who worked during the month of May.
The works of the following artists will be exhibited: Maria Velasco’s (Spain/USA) and Sara-Aimee Verity’s (South Africa) work, which are works in progress, as they are not yet finished and will be developed in the future. Rajkumar Shinge (India), who worked with the fresco technique on his country’s artisan paper and with indian pigments.
Furthermore, Kadija de Paula, manager of residencias_en_red will be present in this ocassion. Residencias en red is a network of Latin American residencies, that ‘ace belongs to since the year 2011. Kadija is in Buenos Aires in order to attend to the network presentation at Arte BA, which will take place on Sunday the 20th.
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About ´aceNITE
Is an event that occurs periodically, on Wednesdays from 7pm to 10pm. During these events, ´ace opens its doors and exhibition spaces to the community in order to show projects made by the artists-in-residence in forms of exhibitions, installations or video presentations. During these occasions we are able to introduce Argentine and Latin American artists selected ithrough Fusionarte´s open calls, present books, art critics, hold performances, or do everything together!
Panel ArteBA
On Sunday May 20th, 2012 and as part of the 21st arteBA Contemporary Art Fair in Buenos Aires, Argentina, a panel with free admission will take place at 4:30 pm:
The panel is organized within the schedule of conferences and activities at the auditorium of the fair as part of the Open Forum 2012 program.
residencias_en_red [iberoamérica] will present artist residencies as strategies for production in contemporary Latin American art. This panel has been organized by Alicia Candiani director of ´ace (who will also be the moderator) and Kadija de Paula (residencias_en_red manager). The event will feature the participation of Lorena Cardona (El Levante, Rosario), Julia Tamagnini (Casa13, Cordoba), María José Trucco (Centro Rural de Arte, itinerant project in Argentina) and Aixa Sanchez (Oficina # 1, Caracas, Venezuela).
The proposal for the discussion will focus on the possibilities that the model of the artist residency can offer in the contemporary Latin American art scene. Understanding the diversity of agents involved in the system of art, from artists, public and private managers, as well as independent initiatives, the model of artist residencies has generated alternatives to traditional production models for works of art. It will be noticed how these possibilities hold new tools for the artistic system and propose a new way of giving value to artistic practices, from what has been called “the collecting of place”.
The ´ace artist residency program is a part of residencias_en_red since March 2011 and is pleased to invite all of you to this event.
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residencias_en_red [iberoamérica] is an Ibero American platform of spaces working with research, production and exhibition of contemporary art and culture, connected particularly through its residency programs. It brings together different formats of art residencies and enhances its diversity. It is formed by private or public-private initiatives with various administrative and legal structures. The network was created in 2008 through an aspiration for Latin American integration and a desire for collaboration and collective work among its members so to strengthen representation and communication at the micro and macro level of international cultural policy.