

Elinor Peiretti

09.10.17 03.10.17

Elinor Peiretti is an Argentinean artist who works in an integral way the visual arts, the spiritual, the astrological and the energetic realms. She creates in a ritual and alchemical way works that unite image and word. During this Production Residency, she developed the project Portals, a project that continues in process and covers its internal transits as geographical displacements. Peiretti worked with photolithography and made an installation that was presented in the ´aceNITE of December, 2017.

PORTALS (by Elinor Peiretti)

On July 30th, I received a letter, a letter written by me that returned to me the same day 17 years later. It was a letter with a suggestion: a trip in October. And suddenly in my life the possibility of that option arises and I accept the proposal, the magic and the game. And I start looking for images.

Internally, this project is the transition to a new stage, it speaks of changes, of possibilities, of journey, of another way of seeing and living life. Crossing the geographical borders and also your own, moving from one place to another of yourself.

Aesthetically speaking, this transition has been translated into images of doors and windows, lights and shadows, water, with a greater or lesser degree of abstraction. Old images also appear and I think that perhaps there is a dialogue with the past in a kind of transmutation of those images in new work. I am exploring overlays, different roles, web, and fundamentally sheets of books. At first I could not find the logic to justify the attraction, in this new work, of the images printed on book paper, then I thought that to start reading a book is a multiplicity of possibilities, to surrender to the journey and let inside the universe of the literary, what has to happen happens. As in life. And this letter that arrived, or that returned, confirms the support, because perhaps also in reality, at some point, one crosses symbolic portals to go in search of possibilities and magic.

Elinor Peiretti
1974 | Córdoba, Argentina.

Elinor Peiretti
1974 | Córdoba, Argentina
Lives and works in Buenos Aires, Argentina

2004 | Bachelor in Arts, University of Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2000 | University Technician in Social Communication at the University Blas Pascal, Córdoba, Argentina

2017 | Sublimación, Proyecto´ace, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2016 | El Pliego, Proyecto´ace, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2000 | Chateau Carreras Contemporary Art Center, Córdoba, Argentina

Grant from the Service of Cooperation and Cultural Action of the Embassy of France

Related Activities


Elinor Peiretti

02.11.17 15.11.17

Elinor Peiretti made an installation Dialogue Space at the ´ace studio as part of her project in process Portals. A self-referential work of trips abroad and inside, exploration through letters, writings and personal photos.

PORTALS (by Elinor Peiretti)

On July 30th I received a letter, a letter written by me that returned to me the same day but 17 years later. It was a letter with a suggestion: a trip in October. And suddenly in my life the possibility of doing that trip arises and I accept the proposal, the magic and the game. And I start looking for images. Internally, this project is the transition to a new stage, it speaks of changes, of possibilities, of journey, of another way of seeing and living life. Crossing the geographical borders and also my own, moving from one place to another of oneself.

An installation of images printed on sheets of books where the letters were also present projecting their words in a game of light and shadow.

Related artists

Elinor Peiretti
1974 | Córdoba, Argentina
Lives and works in Buenos Aires

Open Studio

Open Studio 11
Elinor Peiretti


A new Open Studio event presented the experiences and results of the October 2017 Production Residencies by the artists Caleb Jamel Brown (USA) and Elinor Peiretti (Argentina).

Also, the Políglota Room showed the results of our new project of “Residency of Ideas” titled [Espacio en Blanco] together with the installations of Santiago Ocampo and Fernando Hierro, Argentinean artists selected in the Semillero 2017 open call.

Related artists

Analía Adorni
Sandra Astuena
Ezequiel Barakat
Lucía Buchar
Ana Mattioli

Artists from SEMILLERO 2017
Fernando Hierro (Argentina)
Santiago Ocampo (Argentina)

´aceNITE, Exhibitions

The Fold @ Buenos Aires
Group exhibition

19.07.17 15.09.17

This exhibition, presented in the July 19th, 2017 ´aceNITE, was the result of the 3rd International Project of Graphic Interaction and Printing, The Fold / Double Unfolded, with the participation of 17 artistic, training, creation and research centres from 11 countries (Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Spain, United States, France, Mexico, Portugal, Serbia, Taiwan). With a total of 224 artworks in the form of a sheet of paper, this project seeks to promote the cultural circulation that allows graphic editing across borders, revalorizing the format of the book from its basic module: the fold.

The Fold/ Double, Unfolded was organized by the dx5 Group of the University of Vigo in Pontevedra, Spain in collaboration with the Department of Philosophy and Arts of the University of Quebec in Canada. Proyecto´ace was one of the participating centers of this project. In 2016, ´ace invited 19 artists to produce their works by intervening a sheet of paper folded in 2, using print media and / or other resources that generate multiple images and editing them in several prints.

STATEMENT The Fold/ Double, Unfolded 

The space of The Fold is meant as a whole fragmented into four separate linked spaces, in which opposition relationships, reflexivity, contiguity and sequencing are established. The fold, like the book, opens and closes, withholds, shows and hides at the same time. The bonding of different folds makes a book; a device that works as a nest through its emergency zone and the matching that is the fold, which acts like as an unfolding hinge.

Alicia Candiani
Adriana Moracci

Roma Blanco | Cecilia Candiani | Telma Castro | Mariela Constant |Lorena Diaz | Cristina Duro | Germán Gaspari | Beatriz Gratta | Flora Hubot (Belguim) | Adriana Moracci | Elinor Peiretti | Laurel Ponturo | Robin Romansky (Germany) | Laura Savio | Cristina Solía | Micaela Troccello | Loruhama Valdez | Norma Villareal | Gabriela Zelentcher


The Fold: making of
Artists in dialogue

18.04.16 01.09.16

Proyecto´ace has been invited as one of the participating centres for the international project EL PLIEGO / doble desdoblado, the 3rd Project of creation and international exchange between universities and educational centres in the graphic arts and international edition, organised by the Grupo dx5 of the Universidad de Vigo in Pontevedra, Spain in collaboration with the Department of Philosophy and the Arts, University of Quebec in Canada.

This project aims to continue the promotion of cultural movement across borders that printmaking allows (such as multiplication, versatility and transportability), revaluing the book format from its base module: the fold.

Artists, teachers and art students participate in a project that aims to reflect on the idea of the fold, taking the space of a sheet as the starting point and the encounter that these fold causes.

COLLABORATIVE WORK (by Adriana Moracci)

What is The Fold and how to approach and shape not only an image, but a concept that called Proyecto ´ace to be part of an International Project.

During intense days of work and reflection, 19 artists were selected to work collaboratively in the ´ace workshop, creating editions of the works that made up what was sent.

The themes that were developed from the simple and profound idea of ​​The Fold were enriched and shaped by the most varied visions in this regard. Thus, the specification referring to the body, the identity, the memory, the absence, the infinity, the prayer, the plots, the trace were all giving shape to the works produced. The meetings and video conferences prior to the edition days in the workshop were a stimulus and reason for reflection for the group of artists called.

The project opened the possibility of collaborative work not only between the participating artists in each venue, but also provided the opportunity to extend the communication networks between those who participated in it, showing once again that from the simplest ideas, multiple voices can emerge.

Artistic Director
Alicia Candiani
Workshop Director
Adriana Moracci, masterprinter
Workshop Assitance
Cecilia Candiani

Artists in AR1 group
Roma Blanco | Telma Castro | Cecilia Candiani | Mariela Constant | Lorena Diaz | Cristina Duro | Germán Gaspari | Beatriz Gratta | Flora Hubot (Belgium) | Adriana Moracci | Elinor Peiretti | Laurel Ponturo | Robin Romansky (Germany) | Laura Savio | Cristina Solía | Micaela Troccello | Loruhama Valdez | Norma Villareal | Gabriela Zelentcher

Artist-in-Residence International Program

View map

International Airport

Ministro Pistarini- Ezeiza (EZE)
Buenos Aires
45' to 60' trip

Domestic Airport

Aeroparque Jorge Newbery
Buenos Aires


38, 39, 41, 42, 59, 63, 65, 67, 68, 151, 152, 161, 184, 194 and 168 (stop in the front door)


D Line (Green)
Olleros Station (4 blocks, 4')


Mitre Line (either to Leon Suarez or Mitre)
Colegiales Station (1 block, 1')

The Latin America's Paris

Buenos Aires is Argentine Republic's capital city. With 15,000,000 inhabitants, it is one of the largest cities in Latin America and one of the 10 most populous urban centers in the world. Its cosmopolitan and urban character vibrates to the rhythm of a great cultural offer that includes monuments, churches, museums, art galleries, opera, music and theaters; squares, parks and gardens with old groves; characteristic neighborhoods; large shopping centers and fairs. Here we also find a very good lodging facilities, with accommodation ranging from hostels to five-star hotels of the main international chains. Buenos Aires also show off about its variety of restaurants with all the cuisines of the world, as well as to have cafes and flower kiosks on every corner.

A neighborhood founded on the Jesuit farms in the 17th century

We are located in Colegiales neighborhood where the tree-lined streets, some of which still have their original cobblestones, invite you to walk. Although the apartment buildings advance, low houses still predominate. It is a district of the city where about 20 TV production companies, design studios, artist workshops and the Rock&Pop radio have been located. The neighborhood also has six squares, one of which pays homage to Mafalda, the Flea Market, shops, restaurants and cafes like its neighboring Barrios de Palermo and Belgrano, with which it limits.

Artist-in-Residence International Program

2024 Open Call #4
Residencies 2024-2025
October 31st, 2024

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