Somos Asomo
Male Correa
01.06.22 11.06.22
Somos Asomo by Male Correa is the result of four weeks Exploration Residency among the ´acePIRAR Artist-in-Residence International Program.
Somos Asomo by Luis Fernando Macías…
¨(…) Once she had mastered the pictorial techniques, Male Correa decided to investigate about herself. Then when her twin appears in her paintings, the companion of life from the mother’s uterus. This forced her to wonder about the continuity of being in the other: the palindrome, the monotype, the shadow, the mirror that follows the reflex and inverse image… the image of water that blurs, dilutes, fuses the face with the stamp. Using unusual techniques such as honey or powdered graphite, which at the same time are experimentation and astonishment for the uncertainty and randomness of their results, or studying new possibilities within the techniques of engraving. She has been finding the image of water that we are, the reflection whose true face we ignore, but that goes into the reverse as the magic of the outward journey that is the way back: ¨all our trips are return trips,¨ said Gaspar, the wanderer; ¨we are a glimpse,¨ says Male. And this is the judgment of the identity that vanishes, the word that continues in the mirror that we no longer know if it moves away or goes deep inside us.