Marcela Casals
19.07.17 15.09.17
ABOUT FOLD (by Marcela Casals)
Duality, singularity and repetition are explored through the concept of the fold, as presented by Gilles Deleuze in The Fold: Leibniz and the Baroque (1992). Every fold is a duality, it constitutes an inside and an outside, each depending on the folding of the other in order to be illustrating the duality of existence itself; that which is observed and its opposite which cannot be observed in the same instant.
The fold is present in every aspect of life: proteins fold, DNA folds, fractal geometry folds into itself, time folds, and even our own brain folds. Folding is a constant, it is both repetitious and singular. In Difference and Repetition, Deleuze tells us that “We must find the Self of repetition, the singularity within that which repeats. For there is no repetition without a repeater, nothing repeated without a repetitious soul”.
In the hour-long video, Fold, the action of folding transcends from action to inaction, from labour to meditation, through the constant and repetitious action of folding cloth napkins into a water lily fold first presented at the court of Joseph II in 1726.
Video | 2016 | 60′
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