Solange Baqués
A Story on Paper
15.04.24 10.05.24
Solange Baqués is a photographer and political scientist born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In her work, Solange reflects on family ties and the registration of memory. She participated in Proyecto Imaginario I and II and was selected by Yumi Gotto for the Photobook as Object Clinic at Fola (Fototeca Latinoamericana). Her works were exhibited in Albi (France), Rome (Italy), Buenos Aires and Tucumán (Argentina) and Brisbane (Australia).
On this occasion, Solange came to our workshop to materialise –through a micro-Residency– her project A story on paper, a work related to the family album that investigates the images we choose to keep to tell the family story and those we choose to forget. Her project is based on telling her own and her family’s stories using photography, printing and transferring them onto different types of paper, a raw material her family worked with for over 100 years.
I work on the construction of one’s own identity through memory, inheritance, and the family album, in a personal and above all self-referential way. I reflect on the stories that are lost over time and I seek to generate links that can form a plot to prevent them from being lost over time. I seek to generate images that challenge the viewer and allow them to generate their own story.
Solange Baqués
1963 | Buenos Aires, Argentina
Lives and works in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2016–2019 | Proyecto Imaginario I y II, Argentina
2009–2012 | Miguens Copello workshop, Buenos Aires, Argentina
1985 | Bachelor in Political Sciences, Universidad Católica Argentina, Argentina
2022 | FIG Bilbao: feria de arte impreso y sobre papel. Bilbao, Basque Country
2022 | OPEN Buenos Aires: encuentro internacional de gráfica emergente. Casa de la Cultura, Bs. As., Argentina
2019 | Mirrors and Reflections. Loosenart, Rome, Italy
2019 | Arte en la Naturaleza. Museo de la Naturaleza, Cantabria, Spain
2017 | 45º Salón de Tucumán para el Ámbito Nacional de Artes Visuales. Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes Timoteo Eduardo Navarro, Tucumán, Argentina
2020 | Silence Awareness Existence. Arteles Residencia, Haukiharvi, Finland
2019 | Arte en el Origen. Sur Polar, Spain
2018 | Madre con perlas. 1st Mention Photography, Cefiro Espacio de Arte, Argentina
2016 | Hinchada. Rugb’images, France
2013 | El Hombre y el Bosque. 2nd Place, Congreso Forestal, Misiones, Argentina
2011| Taller Miguens-Copello: Cúpulas, 2nd Place, Argentina