Julia Milaré
Version. Perversion. Inversion. Inexhaustible repetition.
28.01.19 01.02.19
Julia Milaré’s interest is in topics such as imitation / copying, mass culture, repetition, kitsch, trompe l’oeil, original / false, accumulation. She develops them through installations, objects and, especially, painting, which is thought of as a medium and a discussion of painting itself. Her practice is based on searches within sources such as literature, philosophy, the streets of the mass market and art history, among other sources that connect and boost the aforementioned interests. The objective result, the material and the means normally used, all come from this process. Currently, her interest runs through the idea of the image as reproduction, translation and betrayal, works of art from the collection of images, memory and virtuality.
“I imagined that network of tigers, that hot maze of tigers, giving horror to the meadows and herds to preserve a drawing.”
“I saw infinite processes that formed a single happiness and, understanding it all, I also understood the writing of the tiger.”
“Let the mystery that is written in the tigers die with me.”
Short story “The scripture of God”, El Aleph, Jorge Luis Borges, 1949
Tigers are frequently cited in the texts of Jorge Luis Borges. The animal’s fur is an image and translation of the ideas that run through Borges’ work: labyrinthine, mirrored, coded, symbolic, mise en abyme…
In this sense, I think of the visual data and issues that arise and suggest the fur (pattern, print, model, matrix, copy, repetition, accumulation, memory), and that interest me as a research. For me, the pictorial image has a translation aspect, trompe l’oeil, and the inverse and perverse that betrays our eyes.
Julia Milaré
1988 | São Paulo, Brazil.
Art teacher at Alef Peretz School, São Paulo, Brazil.
She was coordinator of the educational program of the 29th São Paulo Biennial – Fundação Bienal de São Paulo. Brazil
2012 | Bachelor in Visual Arts, Armando Álvares Penteado Foundation – FAAP. São Paulo, Brazil
2018 | Post-grade Diploma in Visual Arts, Armando Álvares Penteado Foundation – FAAP. São Paulo, Brazil
2015-2017 | Participated in the “August” study and accompaniment group, coordinated by visual artist Thiago Honório and curator Ana Paula Cohen.
2018 | É um solo que os outros acompanham – MAB / FAAP; Libertas.são – SUBgaleria. São Paulo, Brazil
2016 | Proces / sos Cri / ativos – Ex / periência – Project linked to the Wesley Duke Lee Institute at Ricardo Camargo Gallery; Em oito atos – Estação Satyros. São Paulo, Brazil
2015 | Stay – Hotel Andradas in the Boca do Lixo area, São Paulo, Brazil
2011 | Não é Ketchup, é sangue – MAB / FAAP. São Paulo, Brazil