United States of America
Jenie Gao
The Story Line
26.01.15 13.02.15
Jenie Gao will develop a suite of prints and artist books that tell stories of people who dare to make things.
My work centers on stories of objects and symbols that people assign meaning to, as anchor points in our identities as we continue to change and grow. I am fascinated with the history of why we make things. With modern business, it’s easy to forget that the things we manufacture have their roots in an art form.
So my next body of work will be a suite of prints and artist books that tell the story of people who dare to make things, who add beauty to a world that will always be bigger than any of us can observe, experience, or understand. This is the project I am embarking on, and it only makes sense that the suite should tell the stories across many places as it grows.
Jenie Gao
1988 | Madison, USA.
2010 | BFA in Printmaking/Drawing Washington University in St. Louis, Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts, USA.
Owner and Curator from Jenie Gao Studio & Gallery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.
Jenie has curated art shows, hosted and coordinated events with professional artists and art students, led workshops and demonstrations. She has actively exhibited artwork in galleries, her artwork is part of public and private collections.