Self Portrait/Portrait/Self-referentiality
16.10.19 15.11.19
Self Portrait / Portrait / Self-referentiality
Fundación´ace invited Latin American and Argentine artists and curators through an open call to send short video works under the theme Self Portrait/Portrait/Self-referentiality in order to participate in the exhibition PORTRAITS AND SELF-PORTRAITS that opened on October 16th, 2019 at our house. The curatorship and work selection was carried out by Daniela Ruiz Moreno, and the video pieces were exhibited together with graphic pieces of the 10th edition of the Proyecto Autorretratos –carried out during Alicia Candiani’s, director of ´ace, stay at the Alfred University in New York, USA, in 2018– with the participation of students and professors of the Expanded Media Division of the Art and Design Faculty at Alfred University.
Selected Artists
Agustina Lapenda (Arg) | Autorretrato en 421 segundos
Alejandro Thornton (Arg) | I can see me
Ana Maria Mattioli (Arg) | Las tres heridas
Andrea Gonzalez (Chile) | Algunos modos de decir yo
Andrew Deutsch (EEUU)
Ariel Zajac (Arg) | GIF
Catalina Bunge (Arg/España) | 67 mosquitos
Daira Cañete (Arg) | YO
Gabriel Sasambiarrena (Arg) | Cuerpos orgánicos e inorgánicos
Guillermo Zabaleta (Uruguay) | Compadre
Jose Ulloa Acosta (Chile) | El enamorado lanzador de ladrillos
Juan Pablo Ferlat (Arg) | Máquina Fausto
Juan Urrutia (Venezuela) | Siete cuerpos de identidad
Julieta Tarraubella (Arg) | Devenir
Laura Focarazzo (Arg) | The uninvited
Maria Jose Cisneros (Arg) | Habitario
Mariana Oliveria (Brasil) | Atras da sombra
Paulina Soto Cisternas (Chile) | Mi mamá (la que me tuvo) miente
Silvana Camors (Uruguay) | Espacio
Valerie Driscoll (Irlanda) | Smile
Agustina Lapenda
Alejandro Thornton
Ana Maria Mattioli
Andrea González
Ariel Zajac
Catalina Bunge
Daira cañete
Gabriel Sasambiarrena
Guillermo Zabaleta
Jose Ulloa Acosta
Juan Pablo Ferlat
Juan Urrutia
Julieta Tarraubella
Laura Focarazzo
Maria Jose Cisneros
Mariana Oliveria
Paulina Soto Cisternas
Silvana Camors
Andrew Deutsch
Valerie Driscoll