Exhibitions, Semillero (Seedbed)
Camila Simona
16.11.22 23.11.22
“The minerals are messengers from the depths”
Mineralogist Ichiro Sunagawa
I take my body and transform it into a geoid, making my skin an upper mantle, unleashing the search. What color predominates in this soil? What does this soulful core experience in its eruptive phase?
The so-called magma carries the traces of the most vivid emotions; paradoxically, they become inorganic entities, entities that seem to lack life, that are not immortal but fluctuate, mutate, intertwine. They dress in color, enrich themselves with texture, and leave a scar: a petrified beauty, a hidden treasure within an abstract and chaotic composition that battles, that leaves little oxygen despite pretending to showcase nature and, like nature, also lacks an index: it doesn’t point, it shows.
The series Mineralia is created using digital media. They are interventions of high-resolution images that, together with the creation of digital brushes derived from physical artworks also included in the realm of minerals and nature, open up a play of shapes, colors, and textures. A tribute to the polyphonies of perception and to my own sense of emotional ambivalences.
Camila Simona
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Visual Artist and Graphic Designer