Tehniyet Masood
26.10.16 15.11.16
In October’s ´aceNITE, Tehniyet Masood presented the site-specific installation longing.
longing is an installation inspired by the knots in our chests. Acknowledging the need for what we don’t have. It draws from the universal feelings of belonging and separation. How in our vulnerability we choose to find courage to seek beauty, as occasional as it may be. That’s the tricky thing about beauty, it can’t be tamed to sit by our side it has to be pursued, patiently. The intention is to make a place to rest, where our fears sit next to our hopes, where our dreams of love silence the dissonance. Solace in the hope that love is supposed to be, because some pursuits aren’t worth abandoning.
Tehniyet Masood started daydreaming in Karachi. The narrative of her work draws from the past. The influence of a place is long-standing, so is the everyday ordinary. The politics of the work incline towards the ordinary, the concern and curiosity is about the fold of fabric, the warmth of wood, the length of ribbons, and the way concrete looks beyond the chipped paint. Masood takes levity seriously. The simplicity of comfort and the difficulty in finding it. Masood doubts that the supply and demand of comfort will ever make front page news, through her work she invites the audience into a different reimagining of the world. A world in which the dissonance is less blunt than the reality of the headlines.
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