Guest curator
Larisa Zmud
Guest Curator
17.01.22 29.01.22
No one better to join our #COHABITING BORDERS project, the 7th edition of the Together Apart program, than Larisa Zmud, a feminist artivist who defines herself as a curator “in the broad sense of the practice, as a creator-with-others of flexible, incomplete, mutant knowledge”. Larisa is part of the selection jury as a guest curator to select the 20 artists from Argentina (or foreigners residing legally in Argentina) who will receive our creation grants with the support of the Metropolitan Fund for the Arts of the City of Buenos Aires.
Within her practice, Larisa directed the SlyZmud gallery from 2011 to 2018, between 2016-2018 she was the secretary of MERIDIANO, Argentinean Chamber of Contemporary Art Galleries. In 2018 she founded Sin Destino Aparente, groups for reading texts and critical thinking with a gender perspective.
Since December 2020, she has been part of the National Directorate of Cultural Policies for Equality of the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversities of the Argentinean Nation. Zmud is part of the artistic and feminist collective Belleza y Felicidad Fiorito, where she teaches cooking classes and coordinates the Comedor Gourmet, a space in which she works on the idea of access to pleasure, contrary to the popular saying “when there is hunger there is no stale bread”.
1985 | Mar del Plata. Lives and works in Buenos Aires, Argentina
2021 | Taking her Master’s Degree in Politics and Gender Studies, Universidad de Tres de Febrero, Argentina
2019 | Bachelor in Art Curatorship, Universidad Nacional de las Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2014 | Program for Artists, Critics and Curators, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, managed by Ines Katzenstein
2021 | El deseo y el arte también son alimento: Paloma KP, La chica pájaro, Flor Sadir, Jimena Croceri, Malu Boru, Ana Won. Belleza y Felicidad Fiorito. Buenos Aires, Argentina
2021 | Fantasiamitoficciónilusión. Carolina Martínez Pedemonte. Galería Grasa. Buenos Aires, Argentina
2020 | Género Fantástico: Valentina Liernur, Victoria Colmegna, Osías Yanov, Aimée Zito Lema, Jazmín Berakha y Ariel Cusnir. Centro Cultural Haroldo Conti. Buenos Aires, Argentina
2019 | Capital: Bart, Rocio Englender, Florencia Sadir, Carolina Hirschhorn, Victoria Bueno y Julia Levstein. Talenta Galería. Buenos Aires. Argentina
2019 | Inclusive: Mariana Tellería, Luciana Lamothe, Carla Barbero, Belleza y Felicidad, Fiorito, Buenos Aires